Case Study: Slane Whiskey
Blazing a Trail

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With a brief to take a disruptive, through-the-line approach that would make whiskey fans sit up and take notice, our job was to launch a new Irish Whiskey against some of the biggest global brands in a heavily cluttered market.
The solution
The narrative within the Irish Whiskey category has traditionally been decided by one or two players and has focused on functional benefits. We believed that talking about flavour alone was not enough for a new whiskey with more character. So we widened the focus from taste and process to provenance, personality and attitude – all of which Slane Whiskey has in spades.
We focused on the story of the distillery, the castle, the music, the family and the community around the whiskey, which brought remarkable complexity and character to the brand. This led to our creative platform, Blaze a Trail – which speaks to the various attributes and character of the Slane brand.
Successfully established in multiple global markets including US, Europe UK and Australia.
The Mission
Re-Launch a small new Irish Whiskey brand globally in a sea of whiskey competition.

The Solution
Inspire drinkers to break new ground with their choices.

The impact
Successfully established in multiple global markets including US, Europe UK and Australia.